Monday, May 16, 2011

Salon-Chic Shine?

Anyone who knows me would not label me "salon- chic shine." I guess this is what I get for wasting my time with an online "What's Your Ideal Hairstyle?" survey. I am not exactly sure what I was expecting, but I know it wasn't as flattering as the survey suggested. Even though I try new products and beauty tools, my hair just doesn't seem to least not that often.

After a daring shorter cut a few years ago, I am back to growing it out. I am sure once I get to a certain length, I will be ready to chop it all off again. In my younger days (lol), I really loved to experiment with "honey" highlights. Now my mane color mission is to hide the grays. How boring! I always tell myself I will find a new style/cut/color to try, but I always find myself sitting in the salon chair clueless every time my hair stylist asks..."What do you want to try this time?" Disappointed in myself for letting 5 weeks slip by without a single thought for my next hair move, I am at his mercy. Good thing he knows what he is doing. My latest lame attempt to try something new was those DNA helix looking Goody bobby pins. The hairstyles look so cute on the little package, but my hair IQ is not very high, and I need the time for trial and error. This seems to be the problem. I crave that gorgeous/unique hair, but am not willing to invest the time. I don't need perfectly polished every day, but I at least need to make more of an effort. I know I have tried hair experiments before, but I need to try it again. I will let you know what I find out!

With Love From the West Coast,

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