If you've been following along, we've been focusing on the fall trends and colors and how we are incorporating them in our wardrobe. One of the greatest challenges for me is choosing which trend I want to invest in and which one will grace my closet in the form of a belt or inexpensive clutch. There are very few people out there with the disposable income to splurge on each season's trend. I NEVER wear a trend that I don't truly like. That is the most important fashion rule in my book...be true to yourself!
It is said that a good foundation is crucial in education, marriage, business and also in your wardrobe. We agree! This week we will be discussing the 7 items that need to be in your closet this fall/winter that we think will stand the test of time. These may be pieces that you want to invest in...then add a splash of trendy. Smart shopping can keep you looking sharp and voguish!
In the meantime, here's a recap of how Miss East Coast and I have added these fall trends & colors to our wardrobe thus far:

Cool outfits!!!