Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday's Tip

After a cross-county flight and a few days in freezing temperatures, it's safe to say...my face hates me! It is a combination of dry skin and my usual breakouts along my jawline. After needing two coats of face lotion, I realized it was time to break out the big guns- my extra soothing Azulene lotion by Dr. Grandel. Along with good sleep, plenty of water, and wonderful lotion, here are some tips to save your skin in the winter.
  • Select an oil-based moisturizer, look for one that contains avocado or almond oil. The oils help lock the moisture in your skin and build a protective layer on the top surface. Water based moisturizers can be damaging to your skin, especially during cold climate. Apply liberally whenever your skin feels dry. I like to keep a travel sized bottle at work, in my car, and in my gym bag.
  • Try a humidifier. With added moisture in the air, your skin won’t be as flaky.
  • Applying moisturizer immediately after taking a shower or washing your face will help lock-in moisture.
  • It may feel good, but you should never shower, bathe, or wash your face with really hot water. It can not only break the capillaries in the face, but also break down the lipid barriers in the skin, which will lead to a loss of moisture. I am very guilty of this...sometimes after I get out of the shower my husband is in awe by how red my goodalooda is as a result of a hot shower.
  • Just because it’s cold out doesn’t mean the sun isn’t strong, especially when it can reflect off snow. Apply an SPF 15-30 to your face and hands.
  • Swap out your liquid foundation for a cream based foundation. This will give your skin an extra protective layer and help keep the moisture in your skin.
Keep that skin glowing and in its top shape!

With Love From the West Coast,

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