Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Overworked & Underpaid

Let's face it, the daily 9-5 grind can wear on you. Office lighting, annoying co-workers, and bosses with unrealistic deadlines can bring anyone down. The non-stop of being a mom, especially a new mom, can have the same detrimental effects. You feel like you are losing your identity. You are so exhausted you would rather have ten minutes of sleep than do your hair or apply all your makeup (That's what red lights are for, right?). Have no fear, fashion is here. A little pick me up can go a long way! Here are some ideas to avoid feeling like Phil Connor at 6 a.m.(a.k.a. Bill Murray in Groundhog Day).

  1. Do not box yourself in. We talked about this in previous blogs. Even though casual Friday may mean your go-to jeans, try leggings and a wrap sweater. When everyone goes uber casual, I sometimes like to maintain my dressy work attire. This way I can stand out even more!
  2. Jazz up your look with a new piece of jewelry, new shade of lip gloss, or new scarf. These small changes are affordable and can make you feel refreshed. It may sound silly, but my newly purchased earrings helped motivate my ass outta bed Monday morning.
  3. Wear matching bras and panties. Some of you may already do this. I am smirking right now as I think about a dear friend who always rocks matching unmentionables...even if she is just walking to the mailbox! I swear this is an automatic confidence booster that will make you walk taller and strut sassier.
  4. My new daily addiction is Find a look you love and make it all your own by adding your personal touches.
We hope this helps take the edge off the daily rise and grind. May everyday feel like the freedom of an unbounded, limitless Friday.

With Love From the West Coast,

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